Description of the Lawsuit
Aleksa Kamais brought the lawsuit on her own behalf and as Class Representative. She alleges that CRIMSON improperly charged fees in excess of what is permitted under Florida law when a condominium unit is transferred. She contends that any amounts charged in connection with the sale, mortgage, lease, sublease, or other transfer of a condominium unit, are contrary to Florida law. CRIMSON believes that its actions were permitted under Florida law. Both parties are willing to settle the case to avoid the costs of lengthy and burdensome litigation.
Class Action
A class action is a type of lawsuit. In a class action, the rights of a large group of people are decided in one court proceeding. A representative plaintiff known as “Class Representative” asserts claims on behalf of the entire group, or “class.”
The “Class”
Those individuals charged any fee by CRIMSON in connection with the sale, mortgage, lease, sublease, or other transfer of a condominium unit, from July 1, 2018, to the present in excess of the limits set forth in Chapter 718, Florida Statutes. Based on CRIMSON’s records, you have been identified as a possible member of the class.
The Proposed Settlement
After extensive negotiations, the parties have agreed to settle the case. Under the proposed settlement, CRIMSON has agreed to make a one-time payment to each verified Class Member. Each Class Member that paid the Move-In or Move-Out fees shall receive approximately $200.00.
Additional Information
Important court documents with information about the case, the settlement, and the settlement approval process are viewable on this site by clicking the links on top. For additional information, you may inspect the pleadings and other papers (including the Settlement Agreement) in this lawsuit at Clerk of Court for Miami-Dade County, Florida, either in person or online. If you have any questions about this notice or the proposed settlement, you may contact Class Counsel.